
Wednesday, August 31, 2011


My last post on this blog was December 8, 2009. That was a long time ago. Really a different person ago. 10 days after that day, I found out that I was pregnant with my first child. I was ecstatic. I was thrilled. I was nauseous. I spent the next 8 weeks being sickened by the thought, the idea, the very mention of food. And then I spent the remaining time nesting, resting and getting ready for the birth of this child. I had no time to blog! Or so I thought. Then I actually gave birth. I had no time now for realsies. And so I decided, deliberately to give myself one year. In this year I would do nothing and be nothing but a mom. And I have savored every sweet incomparable second of it. Nothing compares to motherhood. My daughter, Ayla teaches me more about myself than any amount of introspection could have provided. I am often left breathless by these lessons.

In this year I have cooked with the same intensity, love and passion I always have but perhaps on a smaller scale. I have thrown myself into the nourishment of my family and had my daughter act as my guinea pig and toughest critic. I have had kitchen triumphs and disasters. And now I return to the internets to begin once again to chronicle this journey.

I have no photo for this recipe, so imagination will be necessary but I can tell you it was created in the midst of this past weekends hurricane. The inspiration came from the threat of no power. We never lost power. I made this anyway.....

Disaster Salad
1 can of chickpeas drained
1 can of Tuna drained
1 can of artichokes drained
10 cherry tomatoes sliced anyway you like
1/2 English cucumber diced
2 Tbl of Rice Wine Vinegar
1 Tbl of Olive Oil (extra virgin if you please)
1 Tbl of Cilantro chopped fine
Salt and Pepper to taste

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, toss to combine. Nosh.

And since I don't have a photo of this salad I will instead leave you with my favorite, recent Ayla picture