
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kale Pesto

I try to eat healthy every single day. It doesn't always happen and sometimes I find myself in a rut. I tend to get comfortable with a certain type of food or way of cooking and stick with it. On one occasion I had a bunch of kale and was so not interested in sauteing it. So instead I turned it in to pesto. Voila! It was super yummy, didn't taste at all like kale and could be used as a sauce or condiment.

1 large bunch of kale blanched
20 basil leaves
1 large clove of garlic chopped
2 Tsp of pine nuts
1/4 cup parmigano regiano cheese
1/2 tsp of salt
1/8 tsp of pepper
Olive oil

Add first 8 ingredients to a food processor. Turn food processor on and add olive oil slowly through top. Add just enough olive oil so that the ingredients come together. Process for 1 minute. Remove top. Scrape down sides. Process for approximately two more minutes or until pesto is smooth.

I used this pesto as a sauce for dinner one night. The next day I added it to mayo and used it as a dressing for a sandwich.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Seaweed Salad is Delicious!

I am on a little bit of a seaweed kick. I know that by continuing to extol the virtues of eating seaweed I might be alienating some people. But I stand by my earlier proclamation that seaweed can be delicious, filling and completely unslimey. Here is why you should be eating seaweed... it is chock full of nutrients that will reduce your blood pressure, balance hormones and is a great source of protein. It contains vitamin A, B-complex, iodine, calcium ad iron. Here is the recipe I just made. No pictures this time but it came out awesome!

Quinoa and Arame Salad- Serves 4-6
2 cups of uncooked quinoa
1 c. or 1 oz of dehydrated arame
1 14oz can white bean or chick peas
2 scallions sliced thin
1 jalapeno de-seeded and diced
1/2 english cucumber diced
1 handful of cilantro chopped
Juice of 1/2 lemon

Cook Quinoa according to package directions (yields about 4 cups)
Soak arame in water for 20 minutes, drain.
Toss arame, quinoa, beans, scallions, jalapeno, cucumber, cilantro and lemon in a large bowl. Drizzle with olive oil or sesame oil, season with salt and pepper to taste.

This makes a great side dish with dinner or a healthy protein and fiber packed lunch.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Once A Week Vegan

Becoming a mom has been momentous. In my life I am no longer the focus. Center stage is Ayla. Some days I am so enamored with my role, that this fact doesn't matter. Other days I wonder, "Where am I?" My day starts at 7:30am and ends some time around bedtime. There is little room for my own desires and wishes. Like time to myself. So consequently I often find myself struggling to make the food that I want to cook all the time, if I had all the time. However, I have found a compromise. I have decided to carve time for my health and therefore ultimately my family's health. I am making a commitment to eat a Vegan meal at least once a week. This is my first attempt and the meal is an adaptation from Myra Kornfeld's "Voluptuous Vegan."

The Menu:
Orange and Ginger Tofu Triangles
Arame Salsa
Citrus Scented Basmati Rice with Cinnamon and Cumin
Teriyaki Vegetable

This meal was absolutely delicious! It is super filling and healthy. I especially loved the seaweed salad, it was incredibly refreshing because it included cucumber, cilantro and a little jalapeno to give it some kick.
Most people are a little hesitant when it comes to seaweed. They think it will taste "fishy" or are just not sure how to prepare it. The arame salsa was a perfect dish for anyone that has ever wanted to make seaweed.
By law I am not able to reproduce the recipe for the internet, and since I tend to be a law abiding citizen and want to stay that way I cannot write the whole recipe here. However, if you are interested in cooking this meal yourself, drop me an email. I'd be happy to share the recipes with you!