
Friday, August 31, 2012

Vegan Banana-Berry Muffins with Chia Seeds

They're vegan, they're healthy and they've got chia.  Chia is a hot new (read: ancient) food.  Think Flax a few years ago.  Chia a nutritious, whole food that is found native in Central and South America.  Traditionally, the seeds are soaked in water which turns into a gel that can then be added to other liquids for an energy drink packed with hydrating, superfood nutrients.  Chia can be sprouted and added to salads-remember chia pets?  And here I use it in another preparation by adding it to a baked good.  Chia contains, protein, fiber, omega 3 fatty acids and a slew of essential minerals. Want to learn more about Chia? Read it here

Vegan Banana-Berry Muffins with Chia

1 cup almond milk warmed to room temp
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
*2 very rip bananas
** 1/2 cup frozen berries
1/3 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup maple sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
3/4 cup almond flour/meal
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1/2 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease muffin tins with coconut oil.

Measure almond milk into measuring cup and add apple cider to curdle milk. Set aside

In large mixing bowl add bananas and berries and mash together.  Add almond milk, coconut oil, sugar and vanilla.  Mix well.

In separate bowl combine flour, almond meal cinnamon, baking powder chia seeds and salt.  Whisk dry ingredients together.

Add dry ingredients to wet mixture and combine until wet and dry and thoroughly incorporated.  Divide batter evenly between the muffin cups.

Bake for 30-35 minutes and muffins are browned. 

*I prefer previously frozen over ripe bananas that I let defrost and excess liquid drain out
** When using frozen berries defrost overnight and let thaw in fridge in a fine mesh strainer over a bowl to remove extra liquid which can make muffins mushy. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


When I started on this food journey, first going to culinary school and then working professionally in the food world, I was never sure what this time in my life would have in store.  Some days I still cannot see beyond the bend in the road.  Changing careers from working with children and families to the world of cooking and soon after having my first child was a huge transition.  I have been so fortunate to have such a wonderful family and to have found opportunities that have fit my goals and needs perfectly. 

Recently, I was able to work with another blogger who talked about my blog and a recipe that I developed.  I am so thrilled to be included in her story!  Because of her I have begun putting my food up on my blog.  This was something I believed that I did not have time for.  Between developing my career and being a mom I am busy, but her enthusiastic support continues to inspire me to get my cooking out into the wider world. 

You can find the story here Ditmas Park Corner: Cooking Abundant Summer Vegetables

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Easy Green Market Dinner

Who doesn't love this time of year?  Late summer, when we are past the hottest days and have shut off our air conditioners for the most part.  We open our windows at night and let the cool breeze drift in. The moment in time before the crush of school begins with lazy summer evenings.  Even the vegetables love this time of year.  Greens, tomatoes, watermelon, root vegetables!!  Yum, yum, yum.

We were in a rush today and our trip to the farmer's market on Cortelyou Rd was quick but fruitful.   Tonight's menu....

Pan Seared Sea Scallops with Garlicky Oven Roasted Tomatoes and Basil and Sauteed Bok Choy

1/2 box Whole Wheat lingunie
1 pt grape or cherry tomatoes
6-8 basil leaves chopped
3 cloves garlic
8 sea scallops cut in half
1 lemon
4 small clusters baby bok choy
Salt and Pepper

Preheat oven to 375 and put a big ol pot of water on the stove to boil.  Don't forget to generously salt your water.

Mince two garlic cloves.  Add grape tomatoes, minced garlic, olive oil salt and pepper in bowl and toss to coat.  Place coated tomatoes on baking sheet.  Bake for 20 minutes, or until tomatoes have burst and are starting to brown slightly.

When water reaches boil add linguine and cook until al dente, 8 ish minutes.

Sprinkle both sides of your scallops with salt and pepper. Heat a medium size skillet over medium high heat with olive oil, until pan becomes hot but not smoking.  Add Scallops to pan (they should sizzle when they hit the pan).  Cook on each side for 3 minutes.  Scallops cooked this long will be well done.  Squeeze lemon juice over scallops in last minute of cooking.

Slice the other clove of garlic into slivers.  Chop off the bottom of the bok choy but leave the stem and leaves intact. Add olive oil, bok choy and garlic to large heated pan.  Season bok choy with salt and pepper.  Cook for 1 minute at the most.  Bok Choy cooks fast! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Avocado and Basil Lobster Rolls with Lime Scented Lettuce

Lobster. Avocado. Probably the most decadent lunch our family has had. Like ever.  But when lobsters are on sale for $4.99 a pound what is a girl to do but get 4 of them?  Jonah and I ate two of them at 10 o'clock at night after our daughter's 2nd birthday party.  We had live lobsters in our vegetable drawer.  We had no choice.  So when lunch the next day rolled around, a few choice ingredients turned the lobsters awesomer.   The only fail were the rolls.   We had plain white rolls kicking around from a recent vacation.  We weren't thinking clearly. We stopped at lobster.  So next time (haha) we will be sure to get some kick ass rolls.

Avocado and Basil Lobster Rolls with Lime Scented Lettuce

2 1.25-1.5 lb lobster meat- claws, tails and anything else you might be willing to scavenge from the carcass of a lobster
1/2 avocado cut into chunks
1 sprig of basil cut into strips
1 scallion sliced white and green parts
Salt and pepper to taste
Sprinkle of Paprika for color
4-5 leaves of Boston lettuce
1/4 lime wedge
4 Hot Dog buns toasted

In bowl combine lobster, avocado, basil, 3/4 of the scallions, salt and pepper in bowl.  Toss ingredients together.

Chiffonade, or chop (up to you) Boston lettuce.  Squeeze lime wedge over the lettuce

Get those yummy yummy ingredients in a bun before you just end up using your spoon as the transport vehicle to your mouth.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Nudge, Nudge

It is hard to believe that it has been nearly a year since my last post.  Really?  I had such high hopes for this blog. I was going to post several times a week.  All healthy recipes!  Some of them vegetarian or vegan!  It was gonna be awesome.  And then I went to back to work part time working as a private chef.  First two days and then three and life got the better of me.  Recently though I have had friends, colleagues and peers urge me to get back on the horse.  So here I am.  Another attempt.  This time I am making the promise to myself to set a modest goal of one post a week.  I hope it is all recipe based and food related.  I have a bunch of recipes and pictures that have done nothing but get dusty on the shelf of my busy life.  I hope to post them in the coming days and weeks and get to updating some content.  It's gonna be great.