
Wednesday, August 29, 2012


When I started on this food journey, first going to culinary school and then working professionally in the food world, I was never sure what this time in my life would have in store.  Some days I still cannot see beyond the bend in the road.  Changing careers from working with children and families to the world of cooking and soon after having my first child was a huge transition.  I have been so fortunate to have such a wonderful family and to have found opportunities that have fit my goals and needs perfectly. 

Recently, I was able to work with another blogger who talked about my blog and a recipe that I developed.  I am so thrilled to be included in her story!  Because of her I have begun putting my food up on my blog.  This was something I believed that I did not have time for.  Between developing my career and being a mom I am busy, but her enthusiastic support continues to inspire me to get my cooking out into the wider world. 

You can find the story here Ditmas Park Corner: Cooking Abundant Summer Vegetables

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